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Leadership & Governance


Our mission at Southpointe Academy is to involve, instruct and inspire our students to learn, lead and succeed. Our Senior Leadership Team channels decades of experience at K-12 schools in Canada, the US and abroad to accomplish this mission. They also serve as the infrastructure connecting all departments with the Head of School.

Head of School: Gordon MacIntyre
Deputy Head of School: William Johnson

Acting Senior School Principal (Grade 10-12): William Johnson
Senior School Vice-Principal, DP Coordinator: Theresa Kwan

Middle School Principal (Grade 6-9): Cori Kusel
Middle & Senior Assistant Principal (Grade 6-12): Linda Winch
Middle & Senior School Vice-Principal, MYP Coordinator (Grade 6-12): Paulina Lam

Junior School Principal (Grade K-5): Coralie MacIntyre
Junior School Assistant Principal: Samantha Good
Junior School Vice-Principal, PYP Coordinator (Grade K-5): Roxanne Young

Director of Athletics (Grade K-12): Tomas Oljaca

Chief Financial Officer: Mino Padda
Director of Admissions: Tobin Hammerberg
Director of Advancement: Lisa Westermark
Director of Facilities: Vicki Dodwell
Director of Human Resources: Michelle Rougeau
Resources Manager: Onieka Brown


As an independent school, Southpointe Academy is a not-for-profit organization existing under the Societies Act of British Columbia. Registered as the Tsawwassen Independent School Society (“the Society”), the school is governed by a volunteer Board of Governors. The Board’s purpose is to support the mission of the school by taking viability-focused action on behalf of the next generation of students.

Southpointe’s Board of Governors is responsible for developing and executing our Strategic Plan and holds fiduciary responsibility for the financial management of the school. The Board supports and collaborates with the Head of School and the Leadership Team to advance policy direction, ensuring that the School meets its strategic objectives.


As outlined in our Strategic Plan, the Board’s work is guided by the following key pillars:

Academic Programme - Prepare students for success in the mid-21st century
Investigate and determine the best graduation programme that prepares students for success in university, career and citizenship.

Student Programmes - Learn, lead and succeed in a global world
Extend student learning outside the classroom to develop globally responsible citizens.

Community - Honour and strengthen our unique community
Southpointe will honour our unique strength of community through a sense of belonging, shared values and a culture of connectedness.

Master Campus Panning - Enhance spaces for lifelong learning
Develop a long-term master campus plan that enriches the educational vision and values of Southpointe.

Financial Strength - Sustain success through financial stewardship
Develop a strategic financial plan that sustains and enhances the success of Southpointe.

Fundraising - Embrace the spirit of giving
Develop a culture of philanthropy.


Frequently Asked Questions


Annual Report


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Experience Southpointe’s world leading K-12 IB education. Learn more about our school & applying by joining us for a Tour or Open House! Click to learn more.


Our Southpointe Community is a vibrant & supportive group, with multi-generations sharing our school values. Click to learn more.


Join a dedicated team of faculty & staff passionate about their work & who bring expertise & experience from all over the world to Southpointe Academy! Click to learn more.